Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Looking for Sam prt 1

After recieving the news that my best friened had become a proud father of a beautiful baby girl, I got a little mushy and as I am soon to become a father too I am becoming a nesting/family kind of guy... I know this piece has no right to be on this website, but...
My Grandfather died before I was born, he was remarkable chap, so I'm told. Born from Georgian Jewish parents he came to London and lived in the Jewish ghettos around Brick Lane and Commercial Street. He had a great voice and read music perfectly; became a singer...
He was picked up by big bands such as Lew Stone and Ambrose's orchestra in the 30's after coming back to London from where he stowed away on a ship and went to Brooklyn. It wasn't long before he recorded songs with the afore named orchestras for Decca and HMV and by the end of the forties had recorded over 1000 songs. He was a householod name, I'm told (I've never met too many fans I must admit) and a reputable chap, who liked a bet. He liked a bet so much he went bankrupt and ended up doing time in Scrubbs. His brothers and sisters (of which there were ten)led a very diffrent life from Sam, and although he spoke Yiddish and sometimes went to Temple that was as far as he took being Jewish. After his death, he siblings buried him, we don't know where or when. I'm guessing it was in a Jewish cemetary which means it would have been within 24 -48 hours of his death. I can't find a record of his death in the London Jewish cemtaries, which is strange as he died in Archway. It has been one of life's littlemysteries for me and a few years back after my Mother met her estranged Sister for the first time since their Father's death I decided to go on the grave hunt. I fpound nothing. If anyone has any interest in Jewish Londoners they will understand that the generation of my grandfather and theirs before them had so many name changes that I may never find him. He could be buried under the name Sigii, Sigi, Siguefriud, Sam, Samaual, Shamuale, and on and on. There is no record in the hospital, so this seems to me that even the place of death could now be incorrect. My Mother and her sister were not invited to the funeral which was taken over by his religious family...
After watching James Ellroy's Arena docmentary I have decided to give it another shot. After all it has always felt like I knew the man, he seems to have been with me either in photographs or his music through my entire life. I owe it to him and my Mother, my wife and my child to be to find hi/her great grandad so they can can lay a stone on his tomb for closure of some kind.
After the Arena show I went onto a search engine and typed in his name yet again, there is a site which is dedicated to big band music, singers and players. He has his own page and the writer Jon Wright very politely skirts over his 'tricky' private life. I have emailed Jon, here is me hoping that Sam is listening and wanting to be found.


Si said...

you shit

Si said...

I'll eat your family!

Si said...

Do you know who I am? You can't talk to me like that.
You fuckin' two bob cunt.
Still alive are we?
Only just.