Monday, October 16, 2006


Today started like any other monday really!I got up,pissed in a milk bottle,had a black tea and some corn flakes and emptied the rubbish over next doors fence!After 20 fags and a pint of unleaded I was ready to face the world!Sydenham,not Penge! I left the house and headed for the super market!I needed a loaf of bread but I could'nt decide which one to buy!It played on my mind as I walked.I took a detour through the park and saw a tramp having a dump in the bushes!I said goodmorning to him and he told me to fuck off!I thought nothing of it!It was the loaf that was important.I walked on through the alley and round towards the high street,still anxious about the type of bread I'd end up with.It would'nt be just for sandwiches I might want to have toast or just have some marmalade on it!I got to the high street and a junkie looking fella with a skin disease asked me for a pound!'I would love to give You a pound' I said 'But it's all I have and if I give it to You I won't be able to buy some bread and I really need some'He spat on the ground and said 'Fuck Yer then'I walked on,still focused on getting a satisfactory loaf!As I approached the supermarket I noticed a girl I knew walking towards me!'Hi' She said'Hav'nt seen You for years'! It was an ex girlfriend,must of been 10 years since I'd seen her.She went on about her life and what the last decade had done too it,but I did'nt get the details cauase over her shoulder I could see the automatic doors of the supermarket opening and closing and with them a fleeting glimpse of the bread shelf!After about 10 minutes I interuppted the girls mind numbing monologue with a big hug a kiss and a'Take care' And a 'Boring Cunt' under my breath!Onward,finally,through the automatic doors too the good stuff!Anyway,after about 20 minutes I decided on a medium sliced wholemeal! Large! Cheers!


1 comment:

Si said...

Yeah, well you can go anf f**k it then can't you.
Make extra money, fuck all that!

900 dollars,not much use around here love. The only thing we deal in is sterling and souls.