Friday, March 30, 2007


Everyone, please arise and clap as Mr Nnamdi Nwosu joins the league of gents that is the fuckallthatpress.

Nnamdi lives in Amsterdam and I think that shows you just what a bunch of internationalists we are here at thepress. We now cover Holland and South London.

Just one word of warning Nnamdi, this is a place for highly trained writers, so don't try and get all cocky with your new found orange ways, you two bob cunt.

Not that it matters, because we are all so internationalist here, but Nnamdi is black.

As I previously stated this does not matter because we are all new men and the world has come a long way in a short time and if you met Nnamdi he wouldn't try to mug you, kiss his teeth or boil you in a cannibal broth.
That's not our Nnamdi's style, in fact he is what would have been known, back in the day as a bounty bar, but we should not really dwell on the fact that he is black, because after all black is just a clour is it not?
Well it isn't actualy, the negative shade that is black was given to Africans for some reason, and it must be because they had a negative appeal. But NO LONGER!!
Some of my best friends are black, gay, spastic, oaps and I love them all, but that is probably because i am an internationalist. Note not a nationalist, an internationalist, which means I love everyone, even the wogs.



oddchild said...

Thought this book would be of interest to you:-
The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's: A Secret History of Jewish Punk
by Steven Lee Beeber

Search Amazon yourself!

twosheds said...

You have gone raving mad havn't you?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that introduction! JB (Jew Boy) and me have been long term acquaintances since college where I taught him to read and try and string together at words in a coherent way. I'm glad to see he has come on leaps and bounds since then, sadly the write how you talk motto may have been perverted over time, but simple folk can only acts simple folk!
Anyway as JB mentioned before I am indeed happy to be the new "Internationalist" correspondence for TFAT press, I am on continues assignment to Netherlands and hope to bring you more info on the enlighten Europe that is around me, stay tuned as I retell stories of exciting prose and culture, or you can fuck all that and read how I spent my weekend sniffing lines of charley off the well oiled rump of a 80 year prossie while her daughter and grand daughter plays where's the coconuts with a Shetland pony and a Poodle (that strangely enough looks like JB!), you choose!
By the way Liverpool 4 - Bunch of (French) Arse - 1, ahhh that's better

Anonymous said...

dear boy,am trying to get in touch with a certain gentleman by the name of Dung Brown.have lost contact recently and woz wondering wether your good self could help with you being an "internationalist" an all that sh-ite!mucho appreciated,pete butterworth.205460