Thursday, May 10, 2007

F.C.N.A. F.U.C.K.E.D.

Football Club Nantes Atlantique have been relegated. Simon's book will no doubt take a kicking in the sales dept, as before it was fucking well flying out of the shop(s).
Plus, further book fuck ups involve our Damned project. After 18 months and only being a third through the book, the boys have decided enough is enough. Major contributors have pulled out, too much time and money have been spent with nothing concrete in return, gigs have been cancelled left and right and Paul has done fuck all work.
So we are fucking it off before Simon has another one of his flip outs about taking on the world and everyone apart from him being fucking shit and how he should just spend more time with his wife and kid because they're the only people who really believe....etc etc.
We will be going ahead with the fanzine and we are looking for cover deigners (for free). The first issue, will be a Damned special (funnily enough).
The material we had would have made a fucking shit book, but it will make a great fanzine.
Cheers for now
W. Mullins

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