Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Storley woke in the black room. He remembered it from the night before. It was Jim's room. He always came round to Jim's place to drink. They would sit for hours and drink Bud after Bud and listen to music downloads via Jim's portal. The curtains were always closed when he came round and the room was always dirty and full of smoke. Storley loved it, it was an escape from the relative calm of his every day life. Jim was his friend, he was different to everyone else, Jim knew him, I mean really knew him. There is no way that Storley wanted to spend all of his time with Jim, fuck that would be insane. Jim had a capacity for beer and scotch that nobody else had. If Storley had even wanted to (which he didn't) he wouldn't be able to survive long on Jim's diet of pills, beer and spirits.
But Jim wasn't there this morning. The music they downloaded before Storley passed out was still blaring out. It was Haircut 100. Storley heard Haircut 100 when he was a little boy, his sister played it. Then he heard it on a Dell computer commercial last night and demanded that Jim search for and download the track. It was called Fantastic Day. Last night Storley thought it was the greateset song ever written. Bud can do funny things to a man. It was on repeat, and Storley now thought it was fucking shit.
Storley went to the portal, it was a Technics download portal (rrp 850FMD), he hit various buttons, but it wouldn't turn off. His head thumping and his throat dry as a camel's cunt, Storley needed water, head ache pills and to turn this fucking noise off.
Storley searched for the plug, there wasn't one.
He screamed for Jim, there was no answer.
He tried the door, it didn't open.
He pulled the curtains back, there were no windows.
Like it or not, Storley and Haircut 100 were going to be spending a lot of time together, because this was it.
And that, as they say..Is that.

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