Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I'll give you what for, you cunt!

Well, it's fine for some, those that can hide behind drinking problems, homelesness and the like.
But for the likes of me, life and it's daily struggle goes on, me ol son.
Paul and Jim are back in London, well sometimes. They are bemoaning the fact that they have nowhere to live, yet seem to be living in London one week (for £7.00 a week rent!) and then back in Cambridgeshire the other (for free!). Oooh waht a tough old life they have.
Winston and me are still in South East London. Winston is looking to escape from London and I'm looking toe scape from him, what a cunt he is.
The Damned book (now 3 years in the making) has three parts fully finished! Only another 7 parts to go, which means it'll be ready in 7 years.
The fucking Damned have a lot to answer for mind. The parts that are completed are 1 & 2(big interview with Brian James) and 9 (big interview with Monty). 9 is a huge chapter, and is all about the 'new' line up and the making of Grave Disorder. Grave Disorder was the band's last album, until now.
The fuckers have released another album, which means we have even more work to do. Luckily it is very good. But, every time I'm in a record shop and I quickly run by the D section I have sick feeling in my stomache. Why oh why did I say yes to Paul's stupid fucking idea of writing a book about a band who have a thirty year history and are still going?
Well, I think I've worked it out. Paul saw in me, a cunt to keep around for a few years who could keep him in snouts and beer when he was out of the readies.
Three years in and it looks like a masterplan. Fucking cunt.
It is also clear that Paul and Jim don't give a toss if the book ever gets finished, never mind published as the last time they contributed anything to it was three years ago.
What do you mean I'm moaning, go fuck yourself you shower of cunts.

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