Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Looking for Sam prt 2

Sam Browne's first wife died and he re-married the woman's niece if the rumour is correct. The niece was my Grandmother... This is getting weirder. They had two children, Myrna and Carol. Myrna ran away from home with a gangster, as you do, and was not seen for years...UNTIL!!!
My Grandmother's family were Russian Jews, and about 10 years ago, the US will and testament service finally tracked down my Mother and her sister regarding something they had been chasing for over 15 years. Two sisters (spinsters) had died on the same day in New York and they were related to our family in some way. All the lawyer could tell my Mother is that her Grandfather was a bigamist and there was a whole other side to our family in New York, but they were dead and that our side were the next in line regarding all this inheritance gubbins. Needless to say the money/property is yet to appear as I am still writing books with Paul Brown. What it did do though was re-unite my Mother and her sister for the first time since she ran away when she was a teenager as the lawyer passed on my Mother's wishes to find her sister, after all this time she was down the road in Brighton. It was at this point that I started to try to track Sam Browne's grave. Apologies for terrible spelling, but no proof reading is going down and it is late, lots of love...RANCINI FROM THE BRONX


oddchild said...


Met this fella from the sound archives of the British Library, they have just digitised and made available a whole oral history of British jazz musicians. These are recorded interviews etc of many known and peripheral artists in Sam Brown's period, recorded at the time. I wrote down a link to the archive, so will send it to your hotmail

Si said...

Lovely job. See you next weekend.