Thursday, November 23, 2006

Memphis Mike Prt 2. The Voices

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeel, yer didn't thunk I'd be goin awiy dat quick dud yer?
Strange thung be happenin du me. Me counsillor advisin me to not rape my inmate who be sharin da same room as mer. Weeeeeeeel, I tuld dat mudder fudder dat I already showed the liddle purdy mouthed mudder fudder who de boss when it come to anal bunj munjy (whatever da fud dat mean). But counsillor cum around to ma cell de odder day and he tull me, dare aint no mudder fudder sharin my mudder fuddin cell wit me. Sheeeeeeeeeet, I only been in Pen 4 cotton pickin damnin days and I already got da voices in me head. Turns out the clicky sound dat mudder fudder were makin were some kind of ticket reel from an old London bus kinda ding. His name is Jacko and he a bus conductor, but now I know he don't really exist, I jus tryin to ignore him. But he keep shouting weird kinda stuff like 'Anymore fares guv? Phwooor look at that crumpet. And Durty Skurt'. He doin' my fuddin brain in. Jeez. I wish he stop talkin' wid dat cockney laughin accent. It be too raucous for a southern boy like me, ya hear? Here he go again, na na na , I can't hear you Jacko, no I don't want to look at the durty skurt Jacko, you be leavin me a lone I tell thee! Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, the voices in me head. Mudder fudder!

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